The Overkoepelend Zuster Overleg Nederland is our external connection with three other Christian student associations: S.S.R.-N.U. from Utrecht, C.S.R. from Delft, and C.S.V. Alpha from Enschede. The ties between the Sisters are warm at both board and association level. Together with our Sisters we organize drinks and parties, a hitchhike weekend and a wonderful yearly conference weekend!
Lux ad Mosam is affiliated with IFES as an Association, to meet and connect with Christian associations throughout the country. This also includes associations from the umbrella associations of Ichthus, CSFR, VGS and others. IFES helps us by coaching the Senators and small group leaders, and organises events where we get to step out of our own association bubble and meet other Christian students.
Ichthus and Navigators
Lux ad Mosam is a proud merger association that emerged in 2010 from Ichthus Maastricht and Navigators Maastricht. We maintain good relations with both umbrella associations, regularly visit each other and have pleasant collaborations.